
Duke - User Guide


What is Duke?

Duke is an Graphical User Interface (GUI) application that focuses on helping the user manage his tasks.

These tasks could be a simple todo, a deadline, or an event occuring at a specific point of time.

Duke is tailored for users who love to use command line input and type fast, as most operations require typing something out.

Image of Duke in action


Add various types of tasks to the user task list

See all current tasks in the user task list

Mark tasks in the task list as done

Delete tasks from the task list

Find and filter tasks quickly

Task list is preserved across application exits

Easily editable task storage file

Save task list to disk and start afresh

Command Usage

General command usage info

List - Lists the task list

Prints the numbered task list to the GUI, showing its done status, timing, description, and other relevant info.

Format: list (no arguments)

Example of usage: list

Expected outcome: List command example usage image

Todo - Adds a todo task

Adds a todo task to the task list

Format: todo (Description)

Example of usage: todo Get a haircut

Expected outcome: Todo command example usage image

Deadline - Adds a deadline task

Adds a deadline task to the task list

Format: deadline (Description) /by (Timing)

Example of usage: deadline Claim warranty for iphone /by 30/12/2019 2359

Expected outcome: Deadline command example usage image

Event - Adds a event task

Adds a event task to the task list

Format: deadline (description) /by (TimingStart) to (TimingEnd)

Examples of usage:

Expected outcome: Event command example usage image

Done - Marks a task as done

Marks an task as done in the task list.

Format: done (Number)

Examples of usage:

Expected outcome: Done command example usage image

Delete - Remove a task from the task list

Removes a task from the task list. The operation is final!

Format: delete (Number)

Examples of usage:

Expected outcome: Delete command example usage image

Find - Search for a task quickly

Searches the task list’s tasks’ descriptions, filtering through the matching tasks that contain the search term.

Format: find (Search term)

Examples of usage:

Expected outcome: Find command example usage image

Archive - Archives and wipes the task list

Archives the current task list to disk, creating an archive directory in the directory of the application if not present near ( 5 directories upward ) the location of the application.

It then wipes the task list, allowing starting from an empty task list.

Format: archive

Expected outcome: Archive command example usage image

Bye - Exits the prograrm

Shows a goodbye message then exits Duke after a brief delay.

Note that you can always use the standard gui close button to exit Duke!

Format: bye

Expected outcome: Bye command example usage image

Advanced Usage

Editing the storage files

Retrieving the archive files